The self is an illusion.
By day, I'm a product manager at a high-growth healthcare startup in Sydney, Australia.
On nights and weekends I:
- Build stuff to learn by doing
- Write as a tool to think more clearly
- Do cool adventurous shit
I believe life is a series of experiences, and then you die.
Consciousness—the ability to experience—is a fleeting and rare opportunity in an otherwise chaotic, uncaring universe.
It would be a shame to waste that opportunity.
In that spirit, I believe we have an obligation to use our time to maximize both our own life experiences and the experiences of others.
This is the North Star guiding my life.
Or, put mathematically: life equals the sum of my own experiences from birth to death, times my contribution to improving the experiences of others.
From this stems a bunch of questions - most of which I'm still figuring out:
From this stems a series of questions—most of which I'm still figuring out:
- What are peak life experiences? How do you get more of them?
- Why should I care about the experiences of others?
- How can I improve the experiences of others in a meaningful and measurable way?
Maximising Experince — What I think matters most in a lifetime (link when done)
My Story — How I got here and where I'm going (think when done)